Introduction Minnesota Elder Care

caregiver and elder looking through the windowThis webpage will assist Minnesota residents in understanding the cost of senior care throughout the state. The costs associated with assisted living, home care assistance, and adult day care will be explored. Various payment options, financial assistance, and aid with elderly care, both in the home and in residential facilities, will also be covered.

While the programs listed here are inclusive of what the state of Minnesota has to offer, it is not inclusive of what is available at a national level. When looking for programs that offer assistance with senior care, it is important to consider all your options in order to find one that is most ideal for your situation. To assist in your search for nationwide assistance, please use our free Resource Locator Tool

Minnesota Elder Care

For questions and clarifications, please call us at 612-255-3110. One of our team members will explain to you in details.

elderly patient laughing together with his caregiver