We value your comfort as much as we value your health. Take advantage of our amenities and enjoy using it as much as you can.

Here at A Helping Hand Senior Care Services, we make sure that our clients can enjoy their lives in our facility. We provide state-of-the-art amenities which are also useful and helpful in every client’s daily routine. It is our duty and responsibility to provide them not only exceptional care and services but comfort as well.

elderly woman in a wheelchair with her caregiverOur clients can enjoy the following amenities:

  • Cable and internet
  • Library and other common areas
  • Outdoor patio
  • Flat Screen TV with cable hook-up provision
  • Kitchen & Dining Area
  • Court Yard & Flower/Vegetable Garden Area
  • 24-Hour Security Alarm System

For more information, please call us at 612-255-3110.

elderly patient laughing together with his caregiver