
Safety Precautions When Visiting a Group Home

Safety Precautions When Visiting a Group Home

Safety is one of the reasons why families who care for seniors with chronic health problems decided to invest in housing support. But what happens when visitors don’t take precautions whenever they drop by?

While every one of our staff follows strict safety COVID-19 prevention guidelines, our success in protecting our clients still requires cooperation from their friends and families. A Helping Hand Senior Care Services is here to share a few tips you should follow when visiting your senior at their group home in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Take a look:

  • Make sure to wear your mask when heading out.
  • Sanitize your handles before entering your senior’s group home.
  • Practice social distancing even when indoors. Make sure the room is well-ventilated, or you can opt to meet outdoors.
  • Keep physical contact to a minimum. Our nurses and caregivers will handle your senior’s needs for their safety.
  • Please do not take off your mask even if you’re indoors. This is not only for your senior but for other elderlies in the group home.

We advise against physically paying a visit to your senior’s assisted living facility in Minnesota, but we understand that you’re simply concerned and want to ensure their well-being. Following the guidelines we’ve shared above can help minimize their risk of catching the COVID-19 virus should you pursue visiting them in their group home.

If you want more senior care tips, give us a call at 612-255-3110.

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elderly patient laughing together with his caregiver