Tag Archives: Senior Care
Why Consider Moving to a Senior Group Home?
Most aging adults want to spend their golden years at home. But for some, home isn’t the most affordable or safest option. Hence, many senior group homes in Minneapolis, Minnesota have been gaining popularity over the years because compared to reti...
Read More ›How to Help Seniors Lower Their Fall Risks
The effects of a fall can be life-changing and life-threatening for seniors but the fear of falling can also be a serious threat. Most of the time, after they’ve fallen or have been told by their doctor that they are at high risk of it, most older ...
Read More ›How to Support Seniors While Physical Distancing?
The geriatric population, those who are 65 years and older, have been widely noted as among one of the most at higher risk of developing severe illness from COVID-19. This is due to possible underlying medical conditions such as heart, lung, or autoi...
Read More ›Keeping the Seniors Entertained with Activities
Many senior adults choose to move into a group home in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for various reasons. It can be that they know they can receive assistance in terms of their activities for daily living, personal care, and access to health care. Another ...
Read More ›Finding a Community Inside an Assisted Living Facility
When senior residents live alone with hardly anyone visiting their home, they have a high risk of social isolation. As such, they can develop feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Family members are encouraged to communicate with their sen...
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